Diane Harvey, Sedona Artist

This evening I walked out into this world of ineffable shapes and colors.
Beautiful beyond all telling and whispering a future promise of mastery.
I will indeed become the artist I have so longed dreamed of becoming.
No longer naive but mastering the subtlest techniques required of all
whose destined path is to follow Beauty from world to world forever.
In Infinity and Eternity, we will embody Beauty, Goodness, and Truth
without end, imbuing Existence with ever more Light, Love and Power.



“Raised to be adventurous, curious, to love beauty, goodness and truth,
and to love and serve others. I was taught all this by example: the best
and perhaps the only way to learn… ” (Diane Harvey) more…


I have been drawing and and painting ever since my mother first encouraged me to play with crayons and finger-paints. My art is that which my body and soul could never authentically express in any other way. My art is both the antithesis and complement of my writing.

Spontaneously arising, all of it.

CREDO: “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”- Act 1 Scene 3, Hamlet, Shakespeare

visit Diane’s Gallery.


“Be not mislead by the misuses of spirit by bodies,
the inner ineffable remains your road to the stars –
and experience says this is not meant allegorically…”
