Traveling the Human Species

We can travel the whole of humanity inside and out if we can bear to hold
What goes on inside and outside our labyrinth of reflections and refractions;

Nothing could prepare us for: the brutal reality of what we have done here
The overwhelming totality of all bodies 3-fold consumptions and excretions;

We wish to focus on beauty, goodness and truth and walk the path of light,
Yet beyond both the darkness and light we are is the Realm of our Reality
And utter ruin of a beautiful world rotting all around as we look elsewhere;

While this whole world enfolds the Body and the Spirit we are looking for
We are the compost, seeds, fruits, flowers and forests of our own future –
And “Diane Harvey” is just another “I Everlasting”, as are all of us together.

* * *

O you, hideous human history,
Ruthless, pitiless cage match:

Cruel self-serving “art lovers” who care only for the work.
The horrors of the lives of the artists make romantic tales
To feed generations of self-serving profiteers of originality.

Who cares for one conjuring fresh beauty from emptiness?
Only a rare, invisible Protector
Thus, without them, nothing.

Diane Harvey—for Neilan Cooke: First, Last, and Always

Art is a sermon made in matter, of and for the material world.
A creation from the breath, bone, blood and muscle of beings,
Caught in a fearsome cocoon of unknown provenance or end.


* * *

So calm a spaciousness: Mind beyond words.
In the grandeur of essential simplicity,
Awareness flowers, loves, and fathoms.

The ego is very convincing in its day.
It must needs be for strength in struggle:
discernment of vibrations precedes no-mind.

Stages of evolution are everywhere ongoing,
no end in sight, no end of insight:
deep-delved happiness deepens further.

Many lives of fervent action and reaction
all ending at last in weary satiation:
then comes the joyous One in all.

This One holds each life, was there all along –
adamantine Being behind every manifestation.
The great spiritual sagas are everyone’s story.

We work in time for eternity, in bodies for spirit,
in minds for Awareness, and in limitation for freedom.
And by remembering reality, we transform lead to gold.

The Dance of Love and Duty

An unutterable unbearable dance
invisibly enacted within each one
again and again and again in time
as factual as born and died exist.

How to speak such deep contrasts
to lift black and white into a One
beyond all speech and thoughts
when duality blends all together?

There is always a place beyond us
& patience reveals each one’s path
unfurling a new embryo as it must
however high or low our iterations.

All multitudes belong to us as well
weathering wuthering dualities as
our dubious honorable inheritance
like it and not, as we do and do not.

Life and death depend on repetition
and variations of the everlasting We:
springing from the humus of confusion
til Eternal Flame is lit here in the skull.

Architects of the Fearless Future

We are the road-builders: our understanding paves the Sacred Way.
Each willing to shed ancient opaqueness for shared transparency:
Freeing one another from shame, secrets, regrets, and self-defense.

We had no choice but armor, but the Dark Inner Age is ending now.
Together we build an army of illuminating love free from all regrets.
We train ourselves from the inside out, just by seeing how we can.

Each one learning ways to hear, listen, and share as never before.
Already we see this: slow, tentative at first yet clearly transparent.
Don’t mind a temporary disarray of reconstruction, mild or severe.

We come to this with all we are, Real and Unreal, for we know both.
Many already know and teach parts of the Whole we are Becoming.
Each of us also remains incomplete since the future is not yet here.

Yet it IS, as inspiration, guidance, inner exploration and example.
We still fear sharing our worst dark thoughts and deeds with most.
Yet the path to shared light is through freely shared darkness too.

Unthinkable before on a grand scale, we can see it now if we will.
And we will come to see: Light unveiling our every new Pathway.
Fear of revelation of ourselves entire is all that stands in the way.


The Shining Sphere of Seeing

The One within who understands goes on forever –
dwells beyond the realm of thoughts and feelings,
past Mind’s Eye Gate in the land of free Awareness.

Here is the Self-existent inner sight pervading form –
every standpoint opening a world of understanding,
Solomon’s Choice the gift of ages to all who arrive.

Our kin awake or asleep await within every kingdom –
beheld in the limitless heart of life’s own Awareness,
That which shines ever-present throughout all worlds.


The Way of the Beautiful Moment

See how the day-mind and the night-mind differ so greatly –
how dawn and twilight interludes hold the breath of Earth,
as the realm of a far greater Awareness encompasses us all.

Perceive how our potential heights and depths and breadth –
transubstantiations hand-wrought of ignorance, anger, fear,
mean that unending Becoming is the work of Beingness itself.

We are magnetized upward inwardly toward a new centrality –
forging a continuously refreshing connection to limitless Life,
making new selves moment by moment in offering up the old.

Peace dwells within the minute increments of ceaseless change –
as we consciously encourage the Real to replace ego’s grasping,
every self-centered node released into calm delighted freedom.


The Mysterious Inscriptions on Death’s Door

We approach by being here whether briefly or at length –
puzzlements tucked into mysterious organic formalities,
bodies never quite adding up to what they appear to be.

The winding river of itinerant thoughts and passing ideas –
moving closer to the One within inner swirls and streams,
the Always One referred to inaccurately as Life and Death.

We may often see Death coming a long way off if we like –
but mostly we choose to skitter sideways into temporality,
with all its helpfully beguiling possibilities for losing oneself.

Eventually we see through every last excuse of an ambition –
humanity’s vast array of carrots and sticks loses magnetism,
and we sit down in bereavement for all worldly inducements.

The old flattering light of service to others offers itself again –
followed and discarded for cause a hundred hundred times,
the greatest builder of whited sepulchres ever seen on earth.

Here’s a red hot stone no one can either swallow or spit out –
serve we must and serve we can’t as long as we remain as is,
that usurping centrality around whom tame Awareness flows.


All Our Lives are Woven of Awareness

Awareness fills the space encompassing the scenery of life –
the unseen atmosphere suffusing ever-changing moments,
stitching together the forms arising, sustaining, falling away.

Awareness spins the warp of stillness and woof of motion –
reveals piecemeal patterns as inextricable from wholeness,
moves and guides us through our blind motions within Itself.

Awareness shuttles us toward light, understanding and power –
from the loom of time and space the fabric of consciousness
is weaving of us all an as-yet unimaginable universal garment.


The Cave in the Republic

Within the Cave each one is chained to a solitary confinement –
separate bubbles of single-minded single-sided consciousness,
all in thrall to flickering shadow-puppet projections on the wall.

The ones who escape must do so singly to discover others outside –
unconfined minds under a new illumination of limitless possibility,
and perceivers of What Must Become under the laws of freedom.

The Tales from the Cave are the struggles of individual awareness –
but a far greater clarity reveals inclusive Reality beyond all the I’s,
where different manifestations of One Mind recognize the others.

All who see the unity in Life have a common aim in helping others –
each knows now how much harder human life is than it has to be,
as most lives are crippled for no reason but the profit of the few.

From this Awareness the experiments unfold in times and places –
all the different methods, models, and ideas for freeing potential,
with full understanding that humanity will fail its slow way upward.

Humanity is not a thing but a process unfolding over ages of effort-


The Light Has Followed Us Down

Consider the humblest stream of muddled sensation and thought –
the reduced awareness in the dull hours of illness or exhaustion,
and perceive that here too a greater light surrounds the thin flow.

A little push of effort to peer over a thread of low consciousness –
and right there is the same illuminating Light of higher beholding,
reaching all the way to touch the edges of mind’s dim moments.

The Light has followed us down from within our furthest reaches –
present throughout the journey of all experience in time and space,
right there though dull thought doesn’t remember to look past itself.

It is a surprise to find high clear perception adjoining murky trickles –
until we try to imagine where great spheres of perception might live,
and realize we ourselves have walled off Light in higher experience.

Revelation of Light’s omnipresent closeness changes all experience –
we are no more playthings of the ever-changing waves of existence,
but free to be with impersonal loving Awareness in hell or high water.


A Greater Sphere

The self who acts inwardly and outwardly cannot see itself –
until, through and through, a greater sphere of light arises,
illuminating every particle of oneself relative to perfection.

Observing an incarnation from perfection’s view is salutary –
asks of us to welcome revelations of comparative darkness,
not minding the living experience of absolute insufficiency.

As we live moment to moment a life is entirely convincing –
so true perception of our small awareness will seem hard,
but is also liberating since we vaguely knew better all along.

The great impersonal mirror reveals the details of our days –
each subjective and objective act in the light of higher truth,
free from all identifications with the life in time and space.

It surprises everyone to perceive how far from real we are –
yet the unease at the bottom of ourselves is fully explained,
and the release from illusion’s knots gives peace past telling.

After a time of perusing ignorant depths comes the Wonder –
one might dwell on earth in this great sphere beyond a self,
all inward and outward acts illuminated, known and guided.

Whatever forms we assumed with qualities and limitations –
whatever inevitable falling short the future lives will yet be,
a deep gladness in the heart of reality will be our company.

Before this great sphere of seeing oneself in reality arises –
each one imagines something of the self is already known,
but must at least suspect that all so far is far from enough.

There is no way a self can ever see itself in depth and scope –
and only remembering this will work toward the needed light,
of Awareness that freely and naturally perceives a self whole.

If wishing to be free, seek the dark realm of deep ignorance –
embrace those subconscious fragments all are loathe to see,
for eager pursuit of the inner worst attracts the greater sphere.

First Draft:
The self who acts inwardly and outwardly cannot see itself –
until, through and through, a greater sphere of light arises,
illuminating every particle of oneself relative to perfection.

Observing an incarnation from perfection’s view is salutary –
asks of us to welcome revelations of comparative darkness,
not minding the living experience of absolute insufficiency.

As we live moment to moment a life is entirely convincing –
so true perception of our small awareness will seem hard,
but is also liberating since we vaguely knew better all along.

The great impersonal mirror reveals the details of our days –
each subjective and objective act in the light of higher truth,
free from all identifications with the life in time and space.

It surprises everyone to perceive how far from real we are –
yet the unease at the bottom of ourselves is fully explained,
and the release from illusion’s knots gives peace past telling.

After a time of perusing ignorant depths comes the Wonder –
one might dwell on earth in this great sphere beyond a self,
all inward and outward acts illuminated, known and guided.

Whatever forms we assumed with qualities and limitations –
whatever inevitable failings short future lives must yet enact,
a deep gladness will be our companion throughout our lives.

But before this great sphere of seeing oneself in reality rises –
each one imagines they already know something of the self,
and must at least suspect that this is very far from enough.

There is no way a self can ever see itself in depth and scope –
and only remembering this will work toward the needed light,
the awareness that freely and naturally perceives a self whole.

If you wish to be free, seek awareness of confused ignorance –
embrace all the subconscious fragments you are afraid to see,
for active pursuit of the inner worst attracts the greater sphere.



The memories that matter are not the inner story of I –
not the ones where we succeed, fail, are misunderstood
or otherwise enact the starring role in our own awareness.

This is the perspective of attachment to the grand delusion –
the I around which all thoughts of self and others revolve
in an imaginary world of limited awareness very far from Real.

We may think and speak all we like of higher states of being –
this is more fodder for delusion unless transformation exists
and the centric self is fully absorbed into greater awareness.

When a self dissolves there is no more personal perspective –
replaced by the reactionless View of the inward lives of all
where writhing and intertwined human fantasies are colliding.

Memories of future awareness are the ones that do matter –
the experiences beyond all personality existence of any kind
which sooner or later will receive every last particle of the I.


Memories of The Future

The memories that matter are not the inner story of self –
not the ones where we succeed, fail, are misunderstood
or otherwise enact the starring role in our own awareness.

This is the perspective of attachment to the grand delusion –
the tiny I around which all thoughts of self and others revolve
in an imaginary world of small awareness very far from true.

We may think and speak all we like of higher states of being –
this is more fodder for delusion unless transformation exists
and the self-centric “I” is fully absorbed into greater awareness.

When a self dissolves there is no more personal perspective –
replaced by the reactionless View of the inward lives
of all where the writhing and intertwined human fantasies collide.

Memories of future awareness are the only ones that matter –
the experiences beyond all personality existence of any kind
which sooner or later will receive every last particle of self.


One Life – and the myriad interwoven prismatic reflections intricately moving in place.
One Love – condensing into the infinite singularities: these mysteries of individualities.
One Light – awakening inside spheres of rapidly vibrating substances,
rings-pass-not capturing the uniqueness of the Self-made selves.

Is there an explanation for this?
Perhaps only that all our joys and all our sorrows are a single flower
whose root lies buried in the heart of the sky.

The night and the day being at one in the origin of the two,
and the lighted mind being wedded forever to the darkness of the
still-unknown – the only name remaining to any of us is

There, where the past was, memory is better than nothing at all.
But the arrow Now points only beyond itself, and ever and always beyond any ‘this’ or ‘here’.
The point then is what will come and how we will be together in the as-yet-unmanifested

And when that ‘then’ is ‘now’, we will be who – and where?
Space is malleable, and Time no clock: we will breathe into beautiful shapes
these forms of Life and Light and Love which are inescapably to come.

All minds and hearts and hands now fashion the chalices, build the patterns
and carefully assemble the multidimensional circuitry.
And we will then become beings of utmost innermost kindliness,
in the communion of fearless spirits building beautiful worlds.

We will become mutually appreciative radiant personas
whose masks hide nothing but Love itself.
Life says Yes, labor for this because there is only the One-and-the-ones.

Creation is a singleness refracted, a vast Unity and the Self-same unity
multiplied, discrete, particular.
There is only one number here, and counting means counting how many ones
One makes.

And what of all our accountings of ourselves and others?
These too are One Voice.

Who then shall we belittle- who shall we magnify?
To whom shall we explain and defend ourselves?
We whose very name is – The Unfinished One?


A Song of Weights and Measures

See how gravity and the weight of this world,
pressing every form on all sides and surfaces –
keeps one distinct within the undivided Space.

This is strange consolation to the young mind,
the bazaar of tattered rags and scattered riches –
birthrights and birthwrongs of every civilization.

One may well weep for what children are taught,
yet none break the awful chains without penalty –
for humans are nothing if not mass compendiums.

Be not mislead by the misuses of spirit by bodies,
the inner ineffable remains your road to the stars –
and experience says this is not meant allegorically.

I sing to old weariness when it smothers new joys,
a mere temporary obscuration like others before –
sadness is nothing to be sad about but to let alone.

These waves of temporality make for tough sailing,
from birth onward to the end more often than not –
and thus we come to love the infinite sky above all.

The weightlessness of spirit is well-matched to earth,
a fair fight one might say though never easy for long –
as the only end in sight is insight opening everlasting.

A forward motion in infinity creates lift for new minds,
and here is our substantial power within world history –
the Archimedes lever of Awareness rising after a fall.


High-Resolution Understanding

Each and every little life is a world within larger worlds –
all human beings but single cells with minds of their own,
free to insist on I, Me and Mine against the factual whole.

The body of humanity exists in constant cellular warfare –
conditioned to imagine there is no other way to be here,
while all along greater truth is everywhere inside and out.

Awareness struggles to escape the fate of mass hypnosis –
of generations age after age taught to live and die in strife,
doomed to repetitive motion syndrome on a grand scale.

Yet all inherently contain a potential harmonious function –
and failure relentlessly demands a greater comprehension
from every many-dimensioned cell, organ, body, and world.


The Helping Awareness

There are awakenings in other dimensions –
for which human consciousness is a dream,
a kingdom struggling to awaken from sleep.

Human tongues can’t speak of this directly –
as even the most beautiful have no wings,
and every form is fashioned of limitations.

But mind in all forms is One long slow rising –
holding the coiled-up unperceived wonders,
indirectly indicated from the very beginning.

Let the mind find the edges of all thoughts –
great Awareness awaits in a silence beyond,
where the abstract becomes a new ground.

From here humanity can be seen as a whole –
detailed subjective struggles simultaneously,
in the singular Awareness holding the directions.



No Life is disconnected here from the whole –
and Truth cares nothing for human vainglory or
humanity’s belief in isolated self-sufficiency.

Human greed was always a problem to others –
kept checked by small numbers and short spans until
overpopulation began to devour all that is.

Money was set free from being a convenience –
replacing an immeasurable totality of real value by a
grinning abstract world-sized skull of itself.

Reality will never detect the existence of our coin –
but keeps strict accounts in balancing the elements
within the intricate underlying patterns of our world.

Anyone can see this world’s dread degeneration –
but few wish to understand the real causes in us while
there is still fake gain to be made and spent.

Reality will never detect the existence of our coin –
but keeps very strict accounts balancing elements
from within the underlying patterns of this world.

O how trite a summary yet again of mass extinction –
as if hard facts once browsed are too tedious to
see and poisoning our only world not worth the harping.

But until humanity is willing to see what Reality sees –
our species has forfeited basic common sense and
so some must live and die failing to wake the comatose.


* * *

The vibrating strings of Awareness expand and contract in rhythmic breathing
of Beingness too vast to perceive, informing the worlds.

Life doesn’t stop and start at the edges of visible forms –
welling up here and there as scattered unique
creations, in piecemeal instances.

Consciousness cannot originate from ourselves, out of nowhere.
Only latent potentials can manifest – preexisting conditions biding their time in eternity.

All beings prove an all-encompassing Being, since from Nothing nothing could arise. Nothing and No One is but Life we cannot yet even imagine.


* * *

The vibrating strings of Awareness expand and contract in rhythmic breathing of Beingness too vast to perceive, informing the worlds.

Life doesn’t stop and start at the edges of visible forms –
welling up here and there as scattered unique creations, in scattered instances.

Consciousness cannot originate from ourselves, out of nowhere.
Only latent potentials can manifest – preexisting conditions biding their time.

All beings prove an all-encompassing Being, since from Nothing nothing could arise.
Nothing and No One is but Life we cannot yet perceive.


The Impersonal Eye

It is hard to offer oneself to the clear impersonal light of truth –
but that is what we, and the great gift of self-awareness, are for.

We have sown our crops of happiness and sorrow in the dark –
and as the inner light slowly brightens, the landscape surprises.

Awareness stills at the spectacle of the strangeness of oneself –
so much greater and smaller than we could ever have imagined.

Each truthful thought became a flower, thoughtlessness a weed –
all we don’t perceive continuously remakes us as a standing wave.

Know Thyself then, accept the full range of results and potentials –
both appalling and the beauty astonishing as far as the I can see.

Intricate interwoven displays of cause-and-effect are a beginning –
initial insights into the inestimable powers coiled in every moment.

Each of us is a human model in all known and unknown capacities –
to be apprehended, fathomed, understood and unfolded by hand.

As we slowly awaken the will to perceive, understanding increases –
growing deeper and higher and broader through conscious appraisal.

Through strengthening self-perception, others also become transparent –
each one a unique variation on the eternal theme of darkness and light.

Only by evolving a finely tuned discerning eye may we be of better use –
right action within the sphere of profound kinship within all life’s unity.

From this work arises the peace which surpasses all our understanding.
Self-Assembling and Self-Dissembling

The parts of the body make themselves known in leaving the stage of life.
As if each failing part takes a bow as it leaves the stage of form existence.

There is beyond all this also the awareness to observe cells winking out…
The body dying exactly like the stars in the sky fade before the new dawn
Such cascades of fractals of Infinity offered as parting gifts!

A  beautiful Last Waltz of all our waves and particles saying Farewell.
The Grandest and Most Wondrous Finale, soaring into Infinity.
Bless Thee, each All and Everything of Every Life and Death.